Wednesday, October 1

Den wir haben

I don't even know what that means, but the whole beginning of the song has been stuck in my head for ever! It doesn't help that I just got done listening to five and six while taking a shower. Six sounds amazing on the CD. I love the little fast part.

I borrowed a Media pass to go interview a teacher for my story and I was supposed to have given it back by the end of they day. I forgot. Whoops.
She called me Editor-in-Chief again! OMG! I freaking love that title!
I'm the Editor-in-Chief, therefore, I should have a permanent pass, don't you think?

I'm having a U.S. History test tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll do fine since we are allowed to use a sheet of notes and past quizzes. I'm actually learning more with Ms. Frank gone.

I still haven't memorized all of MLK's speech. I have the first page pretty much done, I just need to finish the back. It's due this Friday, but I'll be going on a field trip so I hope he can let it go and let me do it on Monday. If I do manage to learn it by then.

Since I am a peer tutor 4th period, I took the liberty to go interview a teacher. She was really helpful but there were a lot of people coming in and out of her office so we were both easily distracted. I have to show my notes to Ms. Jesse tomorrow morning so I can interview her more if needed; turns out her last day is this Friday.

I finished a little before the period ended so I just went to ICP, the class room in which I help. As soon as I had put my stuff down I was asked for help to explain the work needed to be done. It wasn't that hard, but it just annoys me that people don't get ICP. It's so useless! They should be able to fly through the course!

Anyways, Music. Yes. Ms. told us the musical! Cinderella! I'm excited. I just want to be chorus though because I want to see all the action. And besides, let's face it, I'm not the greatest singer so yeah. I remember last year I did real bad. I don't even know how I still ended up being in Beauty and the Beast.
I'm still scared. I get criticized a lot so I would just rather not be in some one's mouth.
Since a couple of kids and I are stuck up in the music hall for another 15 minutes we are always doing something. Today, Ms. D. had left to drop Ms. H off at the airport. I found it funny that Ms. D had left a sign on the table that read "IA- staple papers" Which meant she wanted us to staple music. It was Patapan. The one we did my sophomore year. Yay! The note was just funny though.

Yay, lunch. F it.

Japanese. F it too. Sensei is inundating us with new vocabulary every day. Our quiz, not a test, will be of one hundred new vocabulary. Yeah! We can do Kanji too, but I haven't even been able to review my notes so I don't even know how well I'll do on it.

Then Env. Science. That class is always fun because we talk and do our work at the same time. The conversations are usually always off-the-wall and random. Or about people. Everyone in the class contribute their own opinion and random comments. I know I do.

After school. Yay. I got to hang out with Kaleem, Audrey and Johnny. Kandice was there too but she wasn't very talkative.
I don't know, but I definitely feel like a bitch this year. Especially when I talk about people. I've been called an asshole too, but that was just messing around. Well, mainly because I was gluing together people's Number 6. Angel's. I tried Johnny, but he was too quick.

Band was kind of fun. We set up to 40! Yay. We do need to practice though.
I love how people get creative and when they run out of chips, they find random objects to mark spots. I'm included.
Ehl-oh-ehl at Audrey's cough drop.

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