Thursday, October 2

Owaranai Uta

YouTube it. It's great. At least I think so.

April called me a few minutes ago. ^^ Third call! Ehl-oh-ehl April. She's now watching the presidential debate. So's Audrey. And probably more people too. I probably should be watching it too. But I'm not.
I should be studying for my Japanese quiz tomorrow. Which is going to be freaking long!
We learned so many vocabulary words it's not even funny.

So I arrived at Tech cold and ready for a long journalism period. To my surprise, Ms. Jesse wasn't there. So we ended up not doing anything. I had my permission slip, to go to Franklin College, ready to turn in but I still have it. I also have the Media Pass she gave me on Wednesday. I hope it's nothing bad.
I did some reading though, and talked to a few people.
I also have stuff ready for tomorrow: I'm calling different colleges to ask whether undocumented students are eligible for admission or not. Should benefit me too.

I took my U.S. History test, and as I predicted, it was easy. Most of the questions are repeated almost three times each, but every time, they are worded differently. That's kind of stupid, but it kind of helps me check my answers.
Ms. Frank might be back this Monday. But I rather her stay home and take another long break. I am actually learning stuff with a teacher who is not even licensed to teach any history.

I can't remember what we did in English today. . . Oh yeah. An essay on our personal hopes and dreams. Done. That class is pretty lame. And I hate almost everyone in there for being loud, obnoxious and irresponsible. Immature can also be used to describe them all.
I have MLK's speech due tomorrow so I'm just not going; I'm going to that meeting in the forum for Diploma Plus kids with Kick-Off Mentors as party-crashers. Kind of.

Fourth period turned out to be interesting. Three kids were this close -puts index finger and thumb almost touching- to asking me if I was gay. At least that's what I thought they were going to ask. They didn't though. No one wanted to ask me after they had called me over.

Music, yay. I think I was actually singing louder than I ever had during Techoir. We're also doing Patapan. ^^ Have I mentioned Number 6 sounds awesome on the CD? I hope we sound as great. I just hate the solo. I wonder who's doing it anyways. For Techoir, I mean.

Lunch! Also a word equivalent to a hectic, immature, rude, nasty, idiotic crowd. People just need to grow up and start being more responsible. I still can't stand how black people can get away with stuff just because they think they are better than everyone.
There was also a fight during my lunch. And of course, everyone rushed to see it from up close.
R-Jay was hit with a juice and it ended up spilling on his ROTC uniform.
I hate stupid people.

Japanese. Yay. -.- We all got copious amounts of homework that is due Monday. Some of that stuff is hard too, but I love it. This new textbook is more didactic than the other one was. And we read paragraphs in Japanese and answer questions about them. I love it. I want to steal some of those books so bad! I should just go to eBay and look them up. Someone told me they bought a school book for $10 on eBay.

Environmental Science challenges me every day. Stupid college-level thinking questions. Well, it is advanced. But it's still fun.
My friends Kattie and Summer have so drama going on between them. It's too much. And I don't want to get involved. I've known them both since 7th grade. I love them. But they need to handle their own problems.

Mrs. Meyer is starting her after-school Orchestra class tomorrow. I hope Ms. Brown lets me go. I don't even want to ask her though. I might just go straight to Ms. Meyer so she can talk to Ms. Brown. I don't think they have a B-H relationship. I hope not.
I want to learn how to play the violin and bass. Soprano. Bass. Tee-hee.

I love Isaac. He made me smile today. I would do anything to see him happy all the time.

Band is still fun.

I need to work on Johann Sebastian Bach's Prelude if I want to ask Ms. Brown if April and I can do it for Techoir's Spring Concert.


Anonymous said...

Omg I forgot about your duet. Thats gonna be soooo good. I cant wait to hear it. Poor Isaac was super bummed today.

Angie Guinivere said...

So did you get to do orchestra?