Monday, October 27

Hot Cheetos con Limon

Are effing awesome! I got some Saturday night after ice-skating. They are great!

So I stayed up until 12:30 last night talking to Edric on the phone. I wasn't talking very much because I didn't want to get in trouble. I was really sleepy, but after we were done, I stayed up until 2 doing nothing. Thinking. Watching time pass.
I was fine this morning though. My eyes were a little baggy, but just a little.

The Cannon arrived today! I didn't expect it to! It's not as great as the second one was. Oh well. It's something, at least we have a newspaper.
So we spent the period folding them. Eventually, Henry got tired of folding them and gave me his like a minute before the bell rang for second period. Go me: I folded all of them and still had time to put them up.

As I was walking to my second period class, U.S. Effing History, I saw Steven. I don't know, but it seemed like he was waiting for me to catch up to him. He kept looking back too and slowing down. I really didn't want to talk to him because it was too early and I figured Music would have been a better time to do it. So, thankfully, my friend Jessi showed up and I started talking to her. From then on I stopped paying attention to Steven and I just walked to class. I wonder if her was waiting on me or someone else.

We finished Raisin in the Sun today in English. It's a pretty good movie, and I want to read the book now.
Immature children are so annoying. You'd think them being Super-Seniors for the third time would knock some sense into their smallish brains. Not.

I went to my counselor fourth period to have her sign the Counselor part of my IU application. She didn't do it. I don't blame her though; she was real busy and there were more students in her office. She'll do it eventually.

Music was okay. Apparently Angel was in desperate need of me. Yeah, I thought the same thing. Turns out he needed me to sing so he could follow. Dream weaver.

Japanese was okay today. We got some new Kanji and we are making up our own conversation. Yay! I'm writing mine with Liz. She's real good at this Japanese stuff.
Sensei gave us candy and popcorn just because she felt like it. Yay Sensei!

We had IUPUI people over from the SMOGEE program. We talked about what we are doing tomorrow and the following days. What the kids are learning. And how much we hate the teacher there. She drives everyone nuts!
All that time Lerron sat by me. I kept trying to mess with me. I want him to pay more attention to me so he won't fall for Steven. I don't want them to go out, if he's even thinking about it. Ugh.

I stayed after to talk to Mrs. DeWitt. I asked her if the Key Club could stay after tomorrow to clean up the campus for PIT day. She told Mrs. Bogard about this and they were both thrilled of the idea. They asked me what I needed and I said I only needed a "yes." Yes is what they both gave me. They are nice, after a minute though, they both started talking to each other about their problems and I was patiently waiting to be dismissed by either of them. After I was actually about to take part in their conversation, they apologized from keeping me there and told me I could leave. Yesh! I swear Mrs. Bogard is ADD or something.

So after that, I pretty much ran to Ms. Jesse's classroom for a Yearbook meeting. It didn't happen, because or Editor in Chief couldn't stay after. Oh well. I don't think there's anything going on at the moment anyway.

Today was super cold. I wonder what it will be like tomorrow for Band.


Angie Guinivere said...

Tomorrow will be super cold for band. Make sure you bring a hoodie AND a coat. Bring gloves and an extra pair of socks too. The warmer you are, the better, because when you're cold, time freezes too and you're out there forever.
I really hope you get to go to IU.

Anonymous said...

omg I f-ing love gay hot cheetos with limon!!!!! I love the bye papi from the last blog its so funny. I'm so excited that you might be able to go to IU that would be awesome. I wish I could've helped with key club I always want to pick up trash. I had fall play and didn't know about it. If you do something like that again please let me know I'll be glad to help.