Wednesday, October 29

Yesterday's Entry

For some reason I just could not find the time to attend to my internet hobbies. I was so distracted with homework and my dad being all "let's watch a movie tonight" that I was just not able to leave the living room.

So here is yesterday's entry:

Yesterday was picture day, and the Yearbook staff is trying to get everyone in the book this year. We prompted students to take their pictures by advertising the chance of winning a $40 Simon Mall gift card. I don't even know if the students noticed all the ads on the wall because there were still a lot of students who didn't take their pictures. Oh well, sucks for them.
So I ended up helping hand out people's cards with their information on them. It was pretty okay, except I got like the deepest paper cut. I sucked on my ring finger twice, but it still hurt and it still kept on bleeding, so I used up my April-given Hello Kitty band-aid. It was pretty.
It was pretty fun, and time passed by quick. I didn't even realize it but the first thing I thought of after I had stopped handing out cards was "Wow, it's fourth period!" I didn't have any needed classes though. Well, you could say U.S. History is necessary, but meh. So Mrs. Jonatta (sp?) gave me a pass and I went to fourth period. People said I looked stoned as I walked in. I'm thinking it was probably for looking down the entire time trying to find names. I hadn't realized how many Johnsons, Jones, Williams, Hills, and Smiths there were at Tech.

Hmmm, my friend Shanez likes Kimmy. That's kind of weird, but then again, Kimmy is pretty. I don't think she's gay/bi though. I don't know.

I think today (yesterday) was the best day for SMOGEE. The students cooperated the entire time, the teacher there sat back and did her thing, we were done in time, we arrived early. -Sigh- Some are great kids too.

So we got to school and the Key Club did their thing. There were about 10 students helping pick up trash.
"We'll only need one bag!" One of the students said. Wrong! We used up three bags! Not entirely, but pretty much full. There were some interesting things around too: beer bottles; combination locks; lunch cards; and the nastiest and grossest, not a used condom, no, but a rolled up, dirty diaper. It was heavy too! Damn boulder.
There were a bunch of candy wrappers around campus too. We didn't think there was going to be much trash, but it all accumulates. I wish more people would've showed up. But it was my fault for not getting permission sooner so we could've announced it around.
We ended up putting the bags next to a trash can in Treadwell hall. Hopefully someone saw them and disposed of them properly.

Band after that. It was pretty cold, but my new sweater really keeps me warm; my hands and face were the only cold things.
April, I still think six-inch metal poles are colder than a flute. We need both hands to properly spin a flag around. You may continue to argue. Ehl-oh-ehl

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