Monday, August 23

Going to Sleeping Bag

Yeah, I'm not going to bed right now. Why!? Because it's packed!!! That's right. It's all disassembled and loaded on the trailer for tomorrow. So I'm laying here on my sleeping bag, not in because it's too hot.

Some unfortunate events happened tonight though. Arguments. But that's what families do, right? They argue and they go back to loving again.

Friday, August 20

Last Day

Today was my last day at work. This time I actually felt a little sad because I might not go back next year. After almost two years, I only work summers or when on school break, I'm still getting paid minimum wage. I'm a great employee, if I do say so myself! I can do almost anything except food assembly. And that angers me. They've also been hiring new people and keep cutting my hours. So I think my best option is to just look for another job. I might want to become a waiter or something. Tips are great! Hehe

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but I'm super excited to start school again. I know for a fact that on my second day I will start on my design projects! My muse always comes at midnight and gives me ideas on creating a special container to hold 2-6 "healthy" drinks. An expandable container, maybe.

Friday, August 13

Child Prodigy

Wouldn't you have loved to be known, at an early age, for something great! Like those kids on AGT and BGT who sing their little hearts out and earn the judges and audience's respect. A little artist just came up! His name is Kieron Williamson! He paints from photographs which I think is great, and that kind of answers my questions: is it illegal if you draw/paint from a copyrighted image. My safest bet is to think that the picture might have been taken by his immediate family so not much suing going on there. As for now I think I'll just stick to sketching from copyrighted images. They won't be complete drawings and will most likely be vague in some areas. Pretty safe, I believe.

Reading back on this entry, this is more about me than about the child prodigy. Heh.

Wednesday, August 11

Finally Here

My college books are finally here! Well, the ones I ordered through Amazon. I've yet to buy my Japanese text and workbooks as well as a 6th interior design book >_>. I've already leafed through most of my textbooks and decided to keep some of them for myself. 101Things I Learned in Architecture School's first chapter is on drawing lines. That one I'm just going to read and sell it eventually. It's a pretty book though.

I'm so excited for this year! And I'm hoping to pass Calculus with at least a C >_<

Ehhh...I've been putting Japanese off all summer. I think I have a lot to read otherwise I'll be dragging behind during class, never mind the fact that the class is in Japanese!

These two are my favorite books. The blue one is pretty big and heavy and explains how every detail goes. It even has sections on minimum requirements to accommodate wheel-chaired people. The green one explains how everything is drawn and labeled in floor plans as well as elevations.

I need to start sketching. A sketch every day will help me get better. It's supposed to.

Saturday, August 7

From Japan and McDonald's

My friend Haruka Uchida is back in America! She was about three years ago as an exchange student.

She is back until Wednesday and that's upsetting. But the good news is that she will be studying in Colorado for one year. She will  definitely be a lot closer than what she used to be! She even said she might come back to Indy for Christmas!

Last night some friends invited me to hang out with them and Haruka. We went to play pool, and only two in the group really knew what they were doing :/ But it was fun! My only victory was against Haruka, hehe. I had never been to one of those pool places. We paid with quarters! ^__^  I came back home around 2:30 AM. It was great.

Ehhh, I might have someone being too friendly on the side as well. Hope no drama comes from this.

I took pictures, but they're not on my computer. Tisk tisk.

Today was fun at work! I like working there when there's people to laugh with. Fellow employees to share impolite comments about impolite customers. But that's everywhere, for sure.

And I was being teased today: apparently I flirt too much. I guess I just get carried away~! Oh well ^__^ It might work someday, haha.

Wednesday, August 4

Loving the Layouts

I'm loving this new layout I have.

I revisited my blogger to read up on posts and decided I was tired of having links on my own layout so I'm using to use the ones blogger has. It's a combination and I think it looks great! Plus, I did it to secretly celebrate my comeback! I think I am ready to keep up with blogger and my Tumblr.

I also think I have another post to follow on where I left off yesterday. Yay! ^__^

Quick shout out to Katie for being here! Thanks!

Tuesday, August 3

I Am Sorry

Forgive me, my rather loyal followers (if any exist). I have forgotten all about blogging.

I blame Facebook, really, what else? That's one of the reasons I hate that social site. But I can blog on that later!

I've been trying to become famous, haha. How? No idea. I, along many thousand others, got a Twitter account and decided to ramble on random stuff (don't we all?). I even started designing and making myself different twitter backgrounds. I even tried to design some for friends so that people would ask them where they got it from and they'd come to me. Business, you see. I'm just another college student trying to make a living off this land. But I don't live in a desert. . .

But I forgot my Twitter account also. I mainly use it to follow artists, mainly Shakira and Lady Gaga. And of course, I want to take a short moment to applaud Lady Gaga for hating SB 1070, along with many others. She did it during her concert in Arizona! Isn't that great!? Anyway, back to my abandonment. So next I heard of was Tumblr. I went and got that too. I actually like it, it's just like a mixture of Twitter and a blog. You can "reblog" someone. It's just great and easy to work with. They also have many different Tumblr layouts that you can either get for free or pay for.

I guess I also haven't been writing anything because I simply have nothing to write about. Where do I live? Indiana, also known as Naptown. That's right. We nap up in this mofo. Well, I rather not. I think napping is a waste of time. Seriously. I even think sleeping is a waste of time! If only my eyes could stay open for more than 23 hours! I live a normal life, for lack of a better description. I wake up, eat, work (every other day because I guess I'm not that needed), eat again, and go back to sleep. Again and again. Boring, huh? I'm also trying not to go out as much because I can't afford to be spending money. I need it all for college expenses. I've already spent over $560 on rent, some tuition, and five books (my cheapest book was $2! I spent more on S&H!). I have to pay a little over a thousand before August 10th as well. Thankfully along came SADCO.

Sociedad Amigos de Colombia (Friends of Colombia Society, in English) granted me a $1,600 scholarship. I got my first half this July during a picnic at which they celebrated Colombia's independence. I will obtain my second installment during my second semester after I prove I've kept above a 3.5. I'll do just that.

I think I'll stop here for now, I'll continue tomorrow! Yay for self-promises!