Thursday, October 30

The Devil and Tom Walker

That's the story we're reading in English 11 now. It seems fun, but they depict the devil as a black man with red eyes. Yeah... So when I was trying to log on to my account, I almost put "walker" as my password. I thought that was funny.

I think Ms. Frank should really plan her assignments a day before she assigns them. She's using a as-I-go method that I hate, because she forgets the assignments, and since most students don't do them she ends up not counting it for credit. She's stupid. I should really go and tell Mrs. Bogard that about her. Maybe she could send in someone to monitor her during class.

I really worked my ass of today during my peer tutor class. I was helping ENL ICP students clean their folders out. I totally helped four students. Two speak English, but they're lazy and cute so I helped them. It wasn't that much anyways.
Two girls took advantage of my ass being at folder-smack-reach and went ahead and did the process about three times.

OMG Music. Angel and Jose were both glad to see me walk in in the middle of Number 6. They make me feel wanted and important, even though Jose seems to like to hit me a lot. But it's fun. So no biggie on that.
I love them both, they are great. I'll miss them.

I have to remember to talk to Ms. Perkins or Mrs. DeWitt about the recycling program at Tech and why it stopped.
Ms. D reminded me of that so she had me go to the computer and look up info on Paper Retriever. I just want a button that says "Request a Container" That would do it!
I think I will talk to Mrs. DeWitt since she's in charge of Grounds.
I want to make a change, and this is helping.

We did more vocabulary in Japanese today, and tomorrow we have a small quiz. We always have quizzes or tests. It's great though, that's how everyone learns. And I think it's awesome that she can talk to us in Japanese and we know what she's saying. We may be slow in answering back, but we do it. I hope to continue my Japanese studies, that's why I want to go to IU; their Japanese program is apparently top-notch, and with all those books in that one library, I'm sure they have some Japanese manga there too. Easy and fun stuff to read. Nee!?

SMOGEE. Is just a mess. Our groups were switched around again and now I only have one girl. Her name is Taylor. I like her, she's nice, and white. Not that it makes a difference, but the black girls in there seem to always have something to say for anything I ask.

We all returned to school and I hurried to my Yearbook meeting. I am the Academics Editor so I'm planning on having a page for Jesi's trip to Spain and Liz's trip to Japan.
I don't know what else to include though. I want to include over-achievers. I think I'm one of them too, so I want to include myself. That'd be unethical though. I don't know, I'll talk to Ms. Jesse and Felicia, the Editor-in-Chief.

I carried all the flags out to the field today! They were 12 six-foot flagpoles and 6 pairs of swing flags. They were heavy, but not impossible to relocate. My back did hurt though. And my arms did too. My back still hurts, but I don't think carrying flags caused, I mean, they didn't weight a ton. I don't think they did.
But we pretty much finished the show. We only have 53 charts and they are all complete.
Color Guard was looking good today! Only three of us showed up, the best ones too, if I do say so myself.
Audrey says Tech's color guard is pretty much at the same level as Ball State's. That's good for us, but bad for them.

Halloween tomorrow! I'm passing out candy! Come if you want 496.1498 Call for the address if you are serious.

Wednesday, October 29

Today's Entry

Today was pretty productive, I think.

I got up and dressed up nicely. I finished filling out my IU application; I ended up with Exploratory being my intended major. It's fine, they said.

So my mom, bro, and I went to the post office around 2 to pay for postage and send our apps in. For some reason my enveloped was $0.17 than my brother's. Hmmm. Oh well.
"College-bound?" Post-lady asked. Yesh! ^^

On to PIT.
We discovered that this year PIT was in the gym because the Hispanic Scholarship Fund had rented the cafeteria.
My brother had all straight A's and I had all A's and a fucking B in U.S. History. My counselor, Ms. Ziegler, noticed that too. She said she was going to talk to my teacher and I should talk privately to her too. I mentioned the fact that I was the only one in her class with a perfect score on the test, and she still had to go and give me a B-! A bee minus, WTF!? I don't care for mediocre grades. That's mediocre, as good as a B sounds.
Whatev, I'll fix it later.

We went to Value World after that because my mom had nothing to do until 3:30. I bought an $0.85 sweater. It was pretty cute. But all the cute/good stuff is around $12 there. I like Goodwill better. I spotted Ms. Newsom in there. I don't know what she was doing. I mean, I know she was shopping, but I didn't know for what.
I also saw Tesia and Christine who were doing Halloween shopping.
I also got a call from the University of Evansville. They told me I had been accepted! (Yay! ^^) The Admissions Counselor is going to work with the Financial Office to get me some financial aid too!
My brother took on a hostile attitude towards me because of this, I think. I would've felt the same way though, so I don't blame him.

Then we came home and ate and dropped my mom off and left for Tech again. This time, for the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Town Meeting. Pretty much it was an informational meeting about applying to colleges and getting scholarships. They also had a small college fair in there, so I got to talk to some college people. They were real nice.
They served Cheeseburgers and McNuggets for dinner. It was all donated by McDonalds. Yay McDonalds!
At the end, they had a raffle. We ended up winning $25 in McDonalds gift cards. Someone else got the iPod Shuffle. Grrr.

Oh, don't forget to check ""Yesterday's Entry" right below this one! Thanks! Buh-Bye!

Yesterday's Entry

For some reason I just could not find the time to attend to my internet hobbies. I was so distracted with homework and my dad being all "let's watch a movie tonight" that I was just not able to leave the living room.

So here is yesterday's entry:

Yesterday was picture day, and the Yearbook staff is trying to get everyone in the book this year. We prompted students to take their pictures by advertising the chance of winning a $40 Simon Mall gift card. I don't even know if the students noticed all the ads on the wall because there were still a lot of students who didn't take their pictures. Oh well, sucks for them.
So I ended up helping hand out people's cards with their information on them. It was pretty okay, except I got like the deepest paper cut. I sucked on my ring finger twice, but it still hurt and it still kept on bleeding, so I used up my April-given Hello Kitty band-aid. It was pretty.
It was pretty fun, and time passed by quick. I didn't even realize it but the first thing I thought of after I had stopped handing out cards was "Wow, it's fourth period!" I didn't have any needed classes though. Well, you could say U.S. History is necessary, but meh. So Mrs. Jonatta (sp?) gave me a pass and I went to fourth period. People said I looked stoned as I walked in. I'm thinking it was probably for looking down the entire time trying to find names. I hadn't realized how many Johnsons, Jones, Williams, Hills, and Smiths there were at Tech.

Hmmm, my friend Shanez likes Kimmy. That's kind of weird, but then again, Kimmy is pretty. I don't think she's gay/bi though. I don't know.

I think today (yesterday) was the best day for SMOGEE. The students cooperated the entire time, the teacher there sat back and did her thing, we were done in time, we arrived early. -Sigh- Some are great kids too.

So we got to school and the Key Club did their thing. There were about 10 students helping pick up trash.
"We'll only need one bag!" One of the students said. Wrong! We used up three bags! Not entirely, but pretty much full. There were some interesting things around too: beer bottles; combination locks; lunch cards; and the nastiest and grossest, not a used condom, no, but a rolled up, dirty diaper. It was heavy too! Damn boulder.
There were a bunch of candy wrappers around campus too. We didn't think there was going to be much trash, but it all accumulates. I wish more people would've showed up. But it was my fault for not getting permission sooner so we could've announced it around.
We ended up putting the bags next to a trash can in Treadwell hall. Hopefully someone saw them and disposed of them properly.

Band after that. It was pretty cold, but my new sweater really keeps me warm; my hands and face were the only cold things.
April, I still think six-inch metal poles are colder than a flute. We need both hands to properly spin a flag around. You may continue to argue. Ehl-oh-ehl

Monday, October 27

Hot Cheetos con Limon

Are effing awesome! I got some Saturday night after ice-skating. They are great!

So I stayed up until 12:30 last night talking to Edric on the phone. I wasn't talking very much because I didn't want to get in trouble. I was really sleepy, but after we were done, I stayed up until 2 doing nothing. Thinking. Watching time pass.
I was fine this morning though. My eyes were a little baggy, but just a little.

The Cannon arrived today! I didn't expect it to! It's not as great as the second one was. Oh well. It's something, at least we have a newspaper.
So we spent the period folding them. Eventually, Henry got tired of folding them and gave me his like a minute before the bell rang for second period. Go me: I folded all of them and still had time to put them up.

As I was walking to my second period class, U.S. Effing History, I saw Steven. I don't know, but it seemed like he was waiting for me to catch up to him. He kept looking back too and slowing down. I really didn't want to talk to him because it was too early and I figured Music would have been a better time to do it. So, thankfully, my friend Jessi showed up and I started talking to her. From then on I stopped paying attention to Steven and I just walked to class. I wonder if her was waiting on me or someone else.

We finished Raisin in the Sun today in English. It's a pretty good movie, and I want to read the book now.
Immature children are so annoying. You'd think them being Super-Seniors for the third time would knock some sense into their smallish brains. Not.

I went to my counselor fourth period to have her sign the Counselor part of my IU application. She didn't do it. I don't blame her though; she was real busy and there were more students in her office. She'll do it eventually.

Music was okay. Apparently Angel was in desperate need of me. Yeah, I thought the same thing. Turns out he needed me to sing so he could follow. Dream weaver.

Japanese was okay today. We got some new Kanji and we are making up our own conversation. Yay! I'm writing mine with Liz. She's real good at this Japanese stuff.
Sensei gave us candy and popcorn just because she felt like it. Yay Sensei!

We had IUPUI people over from the SMOGEE program. We talked about what we are doing tomorrow and the following days. What the kids are learning. And how much we hate the teacher there. She drives everyone nuts!
All that time Lerron sat by me. I kept trying to mess with me. I want him to pay more attention to me so he won't fall for Steven. I don't want them to go out, if he's even thinking about it. Ugh.

I stayed after to talk to Mrs. DeWitt. I asked her if the Key Club could stay after tomorrow to clean up the campus for PIT day. She told Mrs. Bogard about this and they were both thrilled of the idea. They asked me what I needed and I said I only needed a "yes." Yes is what they both gave me. They are nice, after a minute though, they both started talking to each other about their problems and I was patiently waiting to be dismissed by either of them. After I was actually about to take part in their conversation, they apologized from keeping me there and told me I could leave. Yesh! I swear Mrs. Bogard is ADD or something.

So after that, I pretty much ran to Ms. Jesse's classroom for a Yearbook meeting. It didn't happen, because or Editor in Chief couldn't stay after. Oh well. I don't think there's anything going on at the moment anyway.

Today was super cold. I wonder what it will be like tomorrow for Band.

Sunday, October 26

Heh Gurls.

I don't know, I'm feeling real ghetto today. My name's Shmaquanda.

I don't feel like typing as they do though.

OMG! I bought a sweater yesterday, and it was the same style as the gray striped one I always wear. I brought it home and checked the brand! They were the same brand! I was like "Yesh!" for some reason. It's pretty cool, I'll wear it to school.

Ummm, church kind of sucked today because no one in the choir showed up but my brother and a cute little girl. Then another guy showed up five minutes before the service started. I was supposed to have a solo, but I got nervous so everyone sang with me. We still effed it up a little. The rest of the songs were fine though, I got confident along the way.
One problem though: the congregation singing two measures behind the choir really throws me off! So the guitars usually speed up and the congregation doesn't hear because they are too busy singing what they think are the right notes. It's kind of funny, but then it gets old and frustrating.

Later on, after much shopping and eating, we went to a gas station down in Beech Grove. It was cheap! $2.29!!!
So, I don't think there are many hispanics around there, because this white girl got all excited by seeing me. She yelled out "Bye Papi!" as she was leaving. I thought that was funny, so did my mom. Silly girls who thinks all the guys out there are straight. ^^

Saturday, October 25

I'm Sorry!

I haven't updated! And I should've because I have no excuse of being busy or anything. I guess it was just because there wasn't anything important to talk about.

Except: don't watch The Morgue. If you want to see The Ruins, it's okay, but don't buy it.

Ummm, I just got back from Ice Skating with Casey, April and my brother. It was funny, falling wasn't though. But most of the time, I was hanging on to April for dear life.
Casey was trying to help me, which did help, but I was just too scared, so I befriended the wall.
Audrey-san couldn't go because she had a cold. Get better Audrey! ^^v

April took my brother and me home but on our way, we stopped at the Speedway to get some slushies and chips. Driving with her is fun because we make fun of emo people. Well, we did this time.

Hmmm, I don't know what else to say.

I'm starting a new book Planet of the Damned by Harry Harrison, it's pretty good so far.

For some reason, my arms feel really weak. Probably because of the cold weather, or maybe because I fell on them. I don't know. But it's weird.

Wednesday, October 22

Last Fall Break

Woo-Hoo (?)

I'm glad I'm not going to have to wake up super early to go to school for the next four days. That's kind of awesome.
This morning I got up at 7 because I didn't want to get out of my really warm bed. So I got to school like a minute after the bell rang.

I don't really remember what I did today in Journalism. I know Angie was doing a great job helping out writers. She pretty much was doing what I was supposed to be doing. Yay Angie. I was updating the story list with Jasmyn though, and I have to edit everyone's stories after the editors edit them.

I finally got my U.S. essay turned in. It was about Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. Don't worry if you don't know about them. Ugh, she needs better organizational skills. She was also reported to Ms. Bogard for apparently not enforcing the dress code. I'm sorry, but Ms. Frank is a bitch, pardon the expression, when it comes to dress code. She sends people out for anything. So whoever complained about her for this was just stupid.

I didn't do anything in English today because I had already recited some of the passage. Yay me. Some people still only did 7 lines. I did 30. Go me.

I don't know what the ICP class did today since I left early to go to music.
Writing about music, I'm proud because I was able to sing songs without Isaac or Peter being in the room. I was fine, Lerron was messing me up because he kept hitting wrong notes. I think Angel noticed that my feet stank because he was fanning air away from his face. I'm sorry. I didn't notice I had put on the same socks as yesterday; I dressed in the dark and it was effing cold this morning.

Jose made a comment about Devin (sp?) having the same hoodie Angel has. The comment was: "It comes in his size?" I thought that was both funny and rude. I don't know Devin very much, but (s)he seems pretty funny.

Okay, lunch. I definitely have something to say about this. So today was the retarded teacher day, or whatev, so people felt free to take lunch tables away. They took ours. So as soon as we got there we noticed and sat our stuff at a different table. We come back from the super-effing-long lunch line to find some ghetto girls occupying our seats. So I just grabbed another chair and sat right next to one of them. We all sat together. And they didn't much have a problem with us. At some point, they asked us to watch their seats so they could go to the lines. We did so. And we got along, we even talked politics. I thought that was kind of cool, and I felt like I needed to apologize for taking over their table. But I didn't, oh well.

Japanese was weird today. In a good way. Today was our chapter quiz with some vocabulary and a composition. It was pretty okay. I'm wondering what I got on it.
So, as soon as we decide to start on the quiz, a huge, I mean huge (40 people), group of middle-schoolers knock on our door and decide to go in and check the Japanese classroom out. Some of us showed off our talents. They seemed pretty surprised that could read what was on our papers. I showed them my homework and said something to them in Japanese. That was pretty funny. They liked it. They might go to Tech, some of them said.

Then Env. Science, aka SMOGEE. We did nothing because grades are pretty much due and we really don't have work to do.

After school much. I dropped by Ms. Jesse's classroom to return a camera and she told me The Cannon might still not be ready. I blame James and Titi.
So I went up to the music office to wait for it to be 4. Emily Green was there and she was working on the puzzle. I pitched in and helped. I don't like that puzzle. It's so confusing and not defined. Grrr.
We talked about stuff. She's nice, I like her.

Band was fun too. We are changing some of the work so as to make it prettier. Yay. It's a bit hard, but fun. I don't know, it's probably just me.

Audrey took me home! Yay. I love her. And Audrey, they took her van/truck/vehicle! I saw it pass by in front of my window. I was all "o.o" lol. IDK.

Angie, I hope it all goes well.

Tuesday, October 21

Disparame Dispara

Shoot me Shoot.

It's a song, don't worry. Really good, by Laura Pausini. I love it when she sings in Italian.

I forgot to mention something in yesterday's entry. So here it is: April had a project due yesterday for her Health class. She had to make some kind of 3-D creating of a tongue. It turned out pretty cute. She even used (neon) pink Play-Doh for her project. I printed out an image with the tongue's taste buds labeled in the picture so she could do that on her project. So she stuck cute little toothpicks in the right places. Then she gave me the printed sheet! Isn't that awesome!? My own little image that tells me when I can taste "sweet" the best! Ehl-oh-ehl.
It was April's idea, she wanted me to make a big deal out of it, so here it is.

Journalism was kind of wild today. Two editors were bashing on Angie because they don't like her story idea but, instead, they want to write more about hot topics. I truly think we need parts of both, and Ms. Jesse will listen more to her dear Editor-in-Chief, so I'm going to tell her that. I'm also going to ask her how to start the petition so I can start working on it during Fall Break.
I wanted to take this break to finish up my homemade Christmas cards and start on V-Day. Also, I want to start applying to colleges. One of my friends in New Pal already got his acceptance letter from IU. Jealous!

Today MLK's speech was really due. I was the first one to be called upon by the teacher to recite the passage. Unfortunately, I was only able to recall 30 lines out of 57. I wasn't the worst one though; she only said four words. Tisk tisk.
I hope I have a B so far. There were about 1,000 points possible. I got 600 today, and if I do the extra credit I'll have 900. Not bad.

The ICP class was watching IMAX's T-Rex. I was so cold so I had my fake-bunny fur on me almost the whole time. And I watched the movie too. It wasn't that great, mainly because I didn't finish it. But, whatev.

Music was okay. We had Technicians and we worked on some Christmas songs. It is imperative that we practice because now Ms. H also has Fall Play and not much time with us.

I'm seriously thinking about taking my own lunch to school just because people are incredibly rude and ghetto. Black people can cut you, not pun intended, but you can't cut. What the eff?

Japanese was intense. I though. I think we have a quiz tomorrow. Shoot.

SMOGEE was annoying. I turned the lights off twice when the teacher walked out. The first time she made a comment about forgetting to turn the lights on and the second time she told us not to turn them off anymore. It was so funny.

So after school. We had a short newspaper meeting since Ms. Jesse had to leave at 3:30. I left earlier anyway to go to Techoir and work on stuff. I didn't do very much, but hey! We ended up going to German Band's small show outside of the auditorium. It was pretty fun. And they had huge pretzels too! Yum. I don't have the same feelings towards Root Beer though.
And for some reason, Steven couldn't keep his colds hand off of my neck and face. It was funny though, and he tried to pull my shirt out of my pants.
I think Yajaira likes me, and she still doesn't know I'm gay. I don't want to tell her though. I don't know, I don't want to hurt her feelings.

Band was pretty much canceled due to lack of band members showing up. I think the band did work on some music, but not much for color guard. Besides, only three of us showed up. Whatev, I worked on Japanese.

I was going to stay for Tech's Open House, but decided not to so I rode the 5:30 bus home. I arrived at around 6:40. Whatev.

My computer is dying. It turns itself off. It's scary. So I have to burn CDs with pics probably this week. What a burden.

It's okay if you don't update tonight Audrey. I love you, tee-hee. ^^v

Monday, October 20

My Apologies

For not updating in like forever. It's mainly because I don't have as much free time as I'd love to.

Let's start with Friday.
I had a field trip that day with my journalism class to Franklin College's workshops. I went to a Leadership meeting that took two hours. If you ask what I learned, the answer is simple: nothing. Everyone pretty much thought that this field trip was a waste of time. Not completely, but pretty much so. I could've taken advantage of Advanced Photoshop. But oh well. We had a good discussion on the bus about schools and stuff. Some of us are planning on starting a petition for more strict rules and more severe consequences on problematic students. It's a great idea, I think.

Friday was also our Homecoming. We lost. But it was pretty fun, I think. Kandice won Homecoming Queen! Yay!

Color Guard effed up majorly on the field. We were probably the only ones who noticed too because no else said anything. I was pretty pissed though, because we had practiced it so many times and it was our last time to shine in front of the school. I was most worried about one person.

I ended up giving Steven a nice hug. I was on the floor and he was standing on a bleacher so my head came up to his belly and he had to bend down to hug me. -sigh-

Saturday. I think that was the best day ever. Mainly because Techoir was right there with top choirs. And we showed everyone that Tech isn't mediocre, as some New Palestine students expected of us; they were the ones who sucked.

Then Into the Woods. Ms. D told me that it was not the best musical for someone's first live musical. Me! Yeah, just a small observation: pretty much all the guys were gay!

Ms. D took me home after the musical. And I finally got to meet both of her high school daughters. They are pretty funny, I think. I'd like to get to know them more. Apparently Ms. D tells them about me. That's nice :)

Sunday: Church.
Whatever. Same stuff. We watched The Happening. It was a pretty cool movie, I think. Watch it, don't buy it though, because it's not that great. Do get it for a dollar at one of those RedBox things at McDonald's.

I woke up cold this morning. So I put on my fake-fur. It was so warm!
I apparently had an essay due today in U.S. History. About what? I don't know. Random, unnecessary shit. Stupid Ms. Frank.

I have MLK's speech due tomorrow. I still don't know it. Oh well.

Japanese is still fun.

I don't know what else to say today, except that I'm still confused about Steven, I just want to ask him. In my head I do, and it all comes out the way I want it. I fear rejection, that's the thing. I want to tell him "If you like me say so. If you don't, stop acting like you do."
He grabbed my ass on Saturday, after the whole choir thing. So I don't know whether to take those as signs or not. And he winked at me today and I found him staring at me and he tried to pick me up while I was picking Joey up. I'm so confused. And I'm lousy, and scared. I don't know.
I wonder if he does like Lerron. Someone told me that Steven had said that they were just friends. Lerron knows I like Steven, and Lerron still talks to me like I don't see them both hanging around. I hope they are just friends, otherwise I will feel miserable. IDK.

Thursday, October 16

New Look

Spirit Beads arrived today! We are selling them three for $2. All three school colors: red, green, and silver (white). Pretty cool, huh? Ms. Jesse let us wear them around for advertising purposes. Tomorrow is the day! I've been waiting for it, I hope we don't eff up in the middle of the show. That would just suck.

Did I mention Ms. Frank is back again? And she's still wearing them heels that she still hasn't learned to walk on? It's annoying. She also snatched my newspaper out of my friend's hands just so she could make a copy of an election article. What the eff!? She tries to be cute I guess. Stupid is more like it.
She had us reading a poem today about W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington. Stupid. I read the section and it's so much better than her shit. I want our sub back.

In English we watched Raisin in the Sun. It's a pretty good movie, and now I want to read the book. I get tired of hearing about slavery a lot. I don't know. But I do know one thing: Martin Luther King didn't fight to have all these African Americans ruining their image. I just hate ghetto people. And seeing how most ghetto people are black. I just hate it. I don't know. It's not necessary.

Nothing much during fourth period, my peer tutor period. Kids keep messing with me, but it's fun. A cute dude calls me George. Another cute, Mexican, calls me Immigrant. It's so funny. He also calls me "she" and girl stuff. He was the one who wanted to ask me if I was gay or not, but he chickened out. No huggie from Josh in class. He's too busy reading his little Insane Clown Posse book. It's fine with me.

Then music, I walked in just in time to start singing Number 7. I pretty much sucked at that one. The others ones I was fine. I think the other basses are relying on me, and I rely on Isaac and Peter. I really shouldn't. So today I took it as a test. I managed. I did mess up though, and the other basses were right behind me too. Oh well, I know how to fix them.

Then I went down to see Ms. Jesse in the cafeteria so I could start selling the beads. I don't know how much money we made, but I saw her envelope, and it was fat! Yay for cool fundraisers!
Then Links and Penny Wars appeared too so I got stuck working both of them. Fine with me. Good thing I avoided Elijah today; he follows me everywhere. Not cool. I don't really like him much either.

Since Ms. H needed people to count money for the Pep Rally, April and I decided not to go to Japanese. I didn't realize until later that Sensei wasn't at school today and we were only going to watch Japanese anime. ^^ Pretty much Seniors won in both links and money. As they should.

Luckily, for SMOGEE people, the Pep Rally was postponed for Friday due to immaturity from stupid high school kids. Means I'll be there for my last Pep Rally!

I thought our third day at Shortridge sucked. Mainly because Ms. Sharp, the teacher, has issues, and she always wants things to be done her way. Stupid, she took ten minutes out of our lesson just to fix people around. No one likes her, and when she talks to you, she really isn't. She is looking behind you, not your eyes. It annoys me. I kind of want to go "I'm right here!" And get all up in her face.
I did see an eighth-grader that I met last year during my Junior SMOGEE. He's cool. His name is Dylan, and he's hella cute too. I wish he was in high school. He's adding me on Myspace. Again.

So on our way back to school, we SMOGEE kids talked about Ms. Sharp like it was our job! Yeah, fun!
I finally got my clothes out of my locker and wore my tennis shoes for band. My feet were still hurting, but the pain was less than with dress shoes on. Band is awesome. I think.

We had an audience during rehearsal because the Bonfire was going on almost at the same time. I saw peeps! ^^ I think I am a little in love with Emily Lucas. I realized that my Sophomore year. I love her. She's awesome and smart.

I came home and worked on Japanese homework. Yay for Japanese!

Wednesday, October 15

Love Ya Tomorrow

I was going to talk about yesterday, since I didn't really get to; I spent time talking with Joey instead. She's so cute. I love her.

Let's see (I made a list! Yeah, I know v.v). I was going to talk about the Fall Concert. My last Fall Concert, excuse me. It was pretty okay, until we got to Tech's gospel choir. The first song was okay, but then the second one, when they tried to go into parts, it just wasn't working. I did like the dancers though. They looked flowy.
All the barbershops were awesome. And Concert Band sounded amazing too. Audrey and I were doing color guard at our seats. It was pretty fun.
I thought Technicians were great too. I think I heard that Joey and Matt got the pins. Yay.
Techoir, of course, was amazing.
And Techniques were so adorable! Amber's and Shayla's solos were awesome too.
I saw Robin, Josh's older brother. He gave me a hug! He's so silly and funny.

Yesterday was our first SMOGEE day too. It pretty much sucked. I think so. We are not very organized. And it doesn't help that we have two teachers constantly taking notes on what the high schoolers are doing.

So we got to Tech, and I went to my journalism meeting. Ms. Jesse thought it was very productive; I, again, didn't think so. I need more. And I'm still not done with my story. Whatever.

After that, I walked to the Tennis courts to fetch my brother so we could both go together to Subway. He decided he wanted to play more so I was going to get both of us food. Then Angie asked me if I wanted to go to McDonald's with her. Of course! So we went. It was dress up day and we were both matching! So I escorted her to the counter. It was cute. I can't remember what I did to my money though. Oh well.
I don't know if you've noticed, but if you go down 16th street towards Tech, from downtown, you will pass over a really fun hill. We did. While listening to Hawk Nelson. The song finished just as we landed from "the big jump." It was so fun, Angie was kind of speeding too so it was better. We did that same hill twice last year. Great times.

It was April's big 18th. Happy Bee-Day April!

Today was lame. Stupid PSAT.
My classes were so lame! I had only five in my first class, Tesia and Angie were there, three my second, and I was alone third. I have English 11 third period, so that sucked even more for me. I didn't know where to go, so I roamed Treadwell's hall for about 20 minutes and then decided to go into Ms. Solchik's classroom.
Shanez showed up, and we talked most of the period. Mainly about our lives. I can relate to her, kind of. And she is crazy too. We talked a lot.

Second day at Shortridge. It was much better. Better organized, and less noise. Midde schoolers are just so darn hyper all the time.
There was a fight after school, in a bus. We were making fun of people and how ugly they were. They were just so disgusting!

Today was my first day in the media center this year. I've been done with A Lesson Before Dying so I read Don't Die Dragonfly, I finished it today. So today I checked out The Memory Keeper's Daughter. Ms. Laker wants me to make her a report about it because she hasn't read it yet, but she ordered four copies of this book. That's great.

Shanez thinks Steven wouldn't reject me. And I will only know if I ask. She does have a point. But then again...-sigh- I don't know. I'm tired.

Monday, October 13

Don't Feel Like It

I really don't feel like saying anything, mainly because there really isn't much to say. Except that Japanese speak really fast. o.o

I think this week is Tech Alumni week. Or something. Casey, Edric, Keegan and Danielle all showed up. Some at different times, of course. It's nice to see them again.

Tomorrow is April's big 18th birthday! I made her, another, birthday card. I was going to write an entire note in Japanese, then realized that I am really not that fluent. So I'm sticking with English. At least I can write "Happy Birthday" in Japanese.

Weee, Fall Concert tomorrow. And Dress Up day. I am definitely wearing green just because Angie is also wearing a green dress. I'll have Technician stuff, probably band clothes too. Yay for Dress Up day. I wish every Friday was Dress Up day.

I was happy to see random students with random socks on today. It really cheered me up, and the first thing I thought of was Ms. H.

The Cannon's publication deadline has been set back another week. If people can't do stuff, they really shouldn't! Ms. Jesse, seemed real upset about it too. And she saw me after school today and told me about it, she also offered me a ride home. I already had one coming though. She's real nice. I love her.

Ms. Frank isn't back yet. Yay.

Joshie gave me the coolest hug ever! I loved him for that, but I couldn't really hug him back; I was in some type of headlock I guess, while my hands were holding a book.

Homecoming this Friday! Can't wait! We get to show off! Color Guard, I mean.

Sunday, October 12

I Sell Bibles

My parents were mocking me because I dressed up today to go to church. And I apparently looked like I was selling bibles or promoting Jesus Christ with fellow Jehovah Witnesses/Mormons. I liked my outfit though. And I'm wearing it on Tuesday (Homecoming Week: Dress Up Day) with a black tie. I'll look spiffy, I think. It's either that or the gray outfit I wore to Techoir with a gray scarf on top.

I had pancakes this morning. Squee. And yogurt. I made sure to save my "cure" lid to send over so Yoplait can donate money for further research on breast cancer.

Church was pretty cool today. The choir sounded amazing. We've improved a lot, and many in the congregation agree. We learned a new song today too. And we performed it. It used to take us three weeks to learn one song, now we just need 20 minutes. And we can divide into voices! Squee. I love us.

After that, some of the boys had a Boy Scout meeting. Me included. We planned for this month and the following. We are camping the weekend of Fall Break. Fine with me. We are also starting a Venture Group so that way girls in our congregation can be involved too. My scoutmaster says we can invite kids from high school too, and they cam be up to 21 in college. Audrey, April, Angie? Wanna have some wild fun? We do outdoor activities. Hit me up if interested.

After that we went to a birthday party. It was a girl's 4-year-old party. She's so cute. We got her The Little Mermaid. And oh-my-god the food was great! They had shrimp cocktails, awesome pico de gallo, shredded chicken, and much more. Oh yeah, cactus leaves (?). They are awesome. I was full!

Oh yeah, a bunch of Mexicans showed up at the same place and started rehearsing for a Quince. It was so tacky. White people were there too, and I was all "this is so embarrassing!"

Then we came home and left again for Wal-Mart. We bought The Mist and random household necessities.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. When? Sunday. Bring Your Book.

Saturday, October 11

My feet and head are still hurting.

Today was ISSMA Marching Band Festival (?).

Color Guard showed up exactly at 8:30 a.m. and no one had to run laps. We warmed up good too.

The practice went pretty well, I think. And we did okay at the show too. Not as good as we all would've liked, but hey. We did get silver.

We did have transportation problems, but then again, it's IPS. Apparently the bus had showed up at 12:30 and waited there for about five minutes and then left. Baldwin said we were scheduled to load the bus at 1:15. So, of course, he was pissed. I was just worried he was going to call it off and send us all home. But then again, we all worked our asses off this morning, and it wouldn't have been fair.

The other bands were awesome. And I loved Southport's Color Guard.

Baton twirlers are effing hot too.

April and Peter went and got the Band's Silver Trophy. Yay.

So, we came back. My dad picked us up, and two cars away from him was Casey. He waved at me and motioned for me to go to him as he was walking towards me. Pretty much, we walked towards each other. And he gave me a hug. ^^ He apologized for Ms. Brown being mean to me (the Mexican joke).
I don't know, Casey's hug cheered me up a little. I don't know why. Maybe because I do truly respect him. He's still looking good too, Audrey. ^^

Then we went to a chinese place. It was cool. I was so hungry and both my feet and head were hurting. But we still had to go to Toys R Us to buy a gift and go do some grocery shopping. We needed milk.

My day was tiring, but overall, I think the whole band did okay. I don't know what happened though. Were people nervous?

Color Guard did end up putting vaseline in our teeth to keep us smiling. Yeah, it wasn't tasty.

Friday, October 10

OMG it's Friday

I skipped yesterday's entry, mainly because my dad was in one of his usual let's-do-something moods. He's always like that, always wanting to do something, fix something, change something, clean something. It's kind of annoying, because he drags everyone along.
So yesterday, after he had picked us up from school, we had dinner and then did some homework. It was 8:30 at night and he decided to clean the house. I was so tired, but I can't argue because he'd get mad at me and privileges would get revoked.
I ended up dusting my room though, and now, I can actually breathe in there. It's not that it was dirty, but I never go in there unless it's time to sleep so I never move anything around but my book and glasses. So everything gathers dust.

I can't remember much of yesterday either. I do know the Technicians are performing at the zoo for Christmas at the Zoo. It will be awesome, I think. I can't wait.

And I fully understand Ms. H and her Spirit Week speech. I truly believe it.

Let's see, ummm, my U.S. History teacher, Ms. Frank, is still not here. Wow, those were a lot of commas. Anyway, if she doesn't show up on Monday, our sub will be back. And I hope our sub comes back because I learn more with her than with Frank.

Our Japanese test today was pretty difficult. I got a 9.8. Apies got a 9. I think we need more time learning the vocabulary she is giving us.

Ms. Brown wasn't here today, so we didn't have Techoir at all. Two students took advantage of this and still stayed after and talked. At least that's what I saw. And that's what I want it to be. I'm giving up. I don't know what to do. I wasted time by not telling him. Now he's making his move. I think I'm a fool.

Band is looking effing awesome though. I hope we do well tomorrow. I'm going to try and take lots of pictures for my scrapbook/facebook.

I love my friends. Thanks for keeping me going. I haven't cried today, yet. I'll try to be strong. But I feel depression a-comin'.

Wednesday, October 8

Half yet long.

I'm talking about my day.

Today's PBA really did go by fast. Unfortunately, it was still raining. It wasn't so bad though.

I took a picture of Titi, James and Tesia for the cover of the newspaper. I'm sure it's going to look great. I know Ms. Jesse was excited about it. I still have to make phone calls tomorrow morning. I'm kind of upset at myself because it's taking me so long to write a story.

Today was Liz's 16th birthday! She's growing up! She's so cute too. Happy B-Day!

I put in new contacts today. And I didn't feel anything! I think it really was the contacts. Now I just have to change the case as well.

After school, my dad picked my brother and me up. We came home and my brother stayed to do homework. I went with him downtown, Carmel, and New Pal. It was long! And I fell asleep in the car too. I did listen to Kelly though; Z99.5 My dad wants to start his own landscaping/mowing business. Those machines range from 8-12 thousand dollars though. Yeah. I don't want him to. What if we have to leave?

So we get home, at around 4:30-ish. And there's a car parked on the wrong side of the street, you know what I mean? Facing the traffic instead of facing the way the traffic is going?
Well, anyway, my dad sees this car and he parks. But he parked carefully enough so that the back of our car was almost touching the back of the other car. There were people in the car too. And they got mad. But first of all, they are using up our parking space, and second of all, they were parked illegally. So I don't want to hear about it. They were buying hallucinogens too. So hey!

I've been talking to Joey a lot. She's such a nice person. I want to her to be happy.
I'm like that with most people. Especially with Isaac, if I see Isaac sad, or upset it gets to me. And I'm with him. I don't know. I guess I just love him a lot, and I always want to see him happy.

I get jealous when Audrey doesn't talk to me. Sad when April's not there. Ignored when Angie is not being happy. So many feelings.

Tuesday, October 7


I just got done watching Number 6 on YouTube. It's uh-mazing. I glad I'm finishing high school with this.

Today was definitely fun. I can't complain much. But that food from the luncheon did get to me. It was excellent though. I loved it. And etiquette rules were followed. The only bad thing about it was that it was cold.
I did love the background music that Broadripple played. It was awesome. I think they should be invited to our Spring Concert.

Band did suck a little though, mainly because it was raining while we were practicing and spinning flags was kind of hard due to the slippery poles and agressive silks. We did learn a lot though. I just hope we can retain all we learned until Thursday. I don't to make Jess mad at us.

After band my parents picked us up and we went out to eat chinese food. It was great. Halfway through, though, I had to take my contacts out because they were killing me. I think I had the same ones for around five months. Yeah.

I got a perfect score on my U.S. History test. The one about which I was freaking out. I was probably the only one who got a perfect score. I'll ask the sub tomorrow. This really shows that I learn more when the actual teacher isn't here. Isn't that awesome?

Last third Technician show. Last first Technician show with outfits.

Monday, October 6

New shoes!

I just kind of got back from Wal-Mart having bought a new pair of dress shoes. They are pretty nice and I love them.
I really do love to dress up. I love black dress pants and long-sleeved shirts. I love to roll my sleeves though. I also love scarves. But it sucks that I only have two. I need more. That should be my Christmas and birthday wishlist. Really. Scarves.
Anyways, the shoes were almost $30. And they are for Technician shoes. If I take good care of them, I might wear them to school every other day.

I was surprised when I checked peoples' blogs and found them with old entries. I wanted to read interesting stuff. Oh well.

Right now I am pretty upset at myself for not updating my blog as much as I wanted to. I was doing so good this month, and then it got to the weekend, which was fun. Let me tell you about that.

Saturday, of course, was Techoir workday. I woke up at like 6:30 to pick my outfit out and do my hair. I decided between three hair styles and picked a faux-hawk. Everyone loved it! I feel good about it. I just want to know Steven's opinion on it.
Techoir turned out pretty good. I loved Kaleem's "Human Xylophone" It was sooo funny.
It was also my last Techoir workday. And I don't think I took enough pictures. Actually, I didn't take any pictures. I blame that on Ms. Brown for working us so hard.

I still remember last year when Isaac came crying into the room. His doggie. It's been a year.

Then to Angie's get-together. Pretty cool. Fazoli's. I got the Chicken Fruit Salad. It was awesome. It was also my first time in that restaurant.
Jesi had to leave for work, and April had to take Jake home. So only Isaac, Hilary, Austin, Angie, Audrey and I went to Wal-Mart. Pretty cool. Not Isaac's tires though. They were pretty much dead.
So we let it, the tire-problem, go and decided to go into Wal-Mart. We looked around the Halloween costume section, craft section, ladies underwear section, and more. Only Audrey bought stuff: two things of bubbles and Fiddler on the Roof. I just bought a pack of gum. I love gum. It's for singing purposes.

After that, we had decided to go to the Movies. The cheapy ones. But the movie we wanted to watch started at 1o p.m. And not everyone wanted to stay until 11:30 out in the middle of the night. So we came to my house. We watched Simpsons. I hope I made a good impression with my house. I'm just kind of sad that Audrey didn't come with us; she had to leave because she was tired. It's understandable. And she also wanted to talk to Casey.

I made two things of Boy Scout popcorn.

Then Sunday. I can't remember much of Sunday, except that our choir director didn't go so we were stuck with ourselves. Luckily, our guitarist, who doesn't speak very much Spanish, became our leader. Since, also, the soloist didn't go, my brother and I sang the Psalm. It turned out okay.
The whole choir wasn't that bad actually. And after mass, the congregation shared a meal in the Parish Hall.

This is when my mind goes fuzzy. Because I can't remember much else. Except that we went to Cici's for lunch/dinner.

Today was okay. I wore my hair in a faux-hawk again because Josh told me to in my agenda. I got more compliments.

People were supposed to stay after to make a banner for The Cannon. Turns out only KiKi and I stayed. She drew it out and I helped color it. It's not done. But it's getting there. Angie is pitching in by making letters so we can glue them on the banner. I like it.

Then Band. We kind of got yelled at. I think it was mainly color guard who didn't know their stuff. I know I didn't. But then again, Baldwin only called out the brass. Hey!

My feet still hurt a little.

Technicians show tomorrow! I'll take pictures with peeps.

Friday, October 3

I can't remember

"Will you go out with me?" I asked him.
"Yes," he said. He then kissed me.
Then I woke up. Deduce your own conclusions on who it was. It's not that hard. Think: who have I been talking about for ages?

Today was Angie's birthday. She's legal now! I called her 6:21 a.m. to wish her a Happy Birthday. I knew she was awake. And I just couldn't wait to wish her a happy birthday. Happy Birthday Angie!

Allright. I'm just going to highlight some special moments of the day. Actually, pretty much everything.
Don't get bored. It isn't boring.

Journalism. I spent time looking up phone numbers and e-mail addresses for colleges so I can inquire about their acceptance to undocumented students. I made sure to include the ones I personally want to apply to.

U.S. History. Nothing much. Today, slackers finished their 47 question test. I was the first one to finish yesterday and I did well. I think.

English. Whoops. Didn't go. I went to that Jerry Rice meeting. Someone had to explain to me who he was. He was funny. But he didn't talk for much time. I was going to take notes on him and quote him for a newspaper story, but it wasn't worth it.
I was supposed to have met April outside of the Forum so we could both go in together and talk or whatever. But she never showed up, it wasn't until later when I found out the shocking truth. Badass.

ICP/Peer Tutor. The class watched a movie so I spent some quality time talking to my friend Summer about random stuff and reading A Lesson Before Dying. It's actually pretty good.

Music. I was greeted with hugs. And then Steven went and hugged me and Joey together. I freaking love the guy. Then Joey and I spent some quality time talking. It was quite fun. I freaking love the girl. Everyone else was watching The Wedding Planner. I've seen it before.
Then we worked on some Christmas songs.
Then during those extra minutes I spend up in the music hall, Ms. D. told me about April being suspended. It really was quite shocking. At first I didn't understand why, but then she said she got caught in a Hall Sweep.
Stupid. Not April. But rather the fact of suspending people early in the morning after having probably just arrived at school.

Lunch. I was pretty miserable because April wasn't there. So I distracted myself by watching other tables being dumb and immature.

Japanese. I walked there alone. But I cheered myself up by holding the door open for Brockelle and Liz.
The quiz was a bit hard. The translation part was. I didn't even write cat right. I feel dumb. I got a 9.8 though (out of 10).
I had totally forgotten about that quiz. It wasn't until I was walking towards Japanese that I remembered. Everyone thought they could've done better.

Adv. Env. Science/SMOGEE. One of the IUPUI teachers went there; Jenny. She's so cute and nice. We talked about our plans on how we are teaching our subjects to the seventh-graders. Now the problem will be getting to and forth. IPS is stupid.
They want us to wait at Shortridge an hour after school ends to come back to Tech. What are we supposed to do that full hour? I have after-school activities to attend to.

After-school-much. I wanted to stay for Ms. Meyer's Orchestra class but she told me to go ahead and go to Techoir and she was going to talk to Ms. Brown about it to let me go to her class every other day during 5th. I want to play violin and bass. I think I mentioned this in my last entry.
Techoir was okay.

Came home. Did some homework. And we left off for haircuts. Yay!

I loved this part of my day.
The guy who cut my hair really took care of me and made me look good.
At first I told him I had gel on since this morning so he decided to rinse it out. It felt so good. Warm water. Him washing my hair. It felt great.
Then he put a towel on my head and led me back to my seat.
Asked me what I wanted. I told him I wanted the Number 2 on the sides and scissors on top. And if he could leave half of the bangs alone and enough hair on top to do a fo-hawk. And he did. He did a great job too. He kept messing with my hair too.
Then he asked me if I wanted him to shave in between my eyebrows (my uni brow). I said sure. And he did. Then, without asking me, he lifted my head up and started going away at my mustache. It looks better now.
"It's more defined," he said.
So I feel great now.
I feel bad that I didn't leave a tip, but then again, it wasn't my money.
I loved him for taking good care of me and fixing me up.

I think I'll wear a fo-hawk tomorrow for Techoir.

Thursday, October 2

Owaranai Uta

YouTube it. It's great. At least I think so.

April called me a few minutes ago. ^^ Third call! Ehl-oh-ehl April. She's now watching the presidential debate. So's Audrey. And probably more people too. I probably should be watching it too. But I'm not.
I should be studying for my Japanese quiz tomorrow. Which is going to be freaking long!
We learned so many vocabulary words it's not even funny.

So I arrived at Tech cold and ready for a long journalism period. To my surprise, Ms. Jesse wasn't there. So we ended up not doing anything. I had my permission slip, to go to Franklin College, ready to turn in but I still have it. I also have the Media Pass she gave me on Wednesday. I hope it's nothing bad.
I did some reading though, and talked to a few people.
I also have stuff ready for tomorrow: I'm calling different colleges to ask whether undocumented students are eligible for admission or not. Should benefit me too.

I took my U.S. History test, and as I predicted, it was easy. Most of the questions are repeated almost three times each, but every time, they are worded differently. That's kind of stupid, but it kind of helps me check my answers.
Ms. Frank might be back this Monday. But I rather her stay home and take another long break. I am actually learning stuff with a teacher who is not even licensed to teach any history.

I can't remember what we did in English today. . . Oh yeah. An essay on our personal hopes and dreams. Done. That class is pretty lame. And I hate almost everyone in there for being loud, obnoxious and irresponsible. Immature can also be used to describe them all.
I have MLK's speech due tomorrow so I'm just not going; I'm going to that meeting in the forum for Diploma Plus kids with Kick-Off Mentors as party-crashers. Kind of.

Fourth period turned out to be interesting. Three kids were this close -puts index finger and thumb almost touching- to asking me if I was gay. At least that's what I thought they were going to ask. They didn't though. No one wanted to ask me after they had called me over.

Music, yay. I think I was actually singing louder than I ever had during Techoir. We're also doing Patapan. ^^ Have I mentioned Number 6 sounds awesome on the CD? I hope we sound as great. I just hate the solo. I wonder who's doing it anyways. For Techoir, I mean.

Lunch! Also a word equivalent to a hectic, immature, rude, nasty, idiotic crowd. People just need to grow up and start being more responsible. I still can't stand how black people can get away with stuff just because they think they are better than everyone.
There was also a fight during my lunch. And of course, everyone rushed to see it from up close.
R-Jay was hit with a juice and it ended up spilling on his ROTC uniform.
I hate stupid people.

Japanese. Yay. -.- We all got copious amounts of homework that is due Monday. Some of that stuff is hard too, but I love it. This new textbook is more didactic than the other one was. And we read paragraphs in Japanese and answer questions about them. I love it. I want to steal some of those books so bad! I should just go to eBay and look them up. Someone told me they bought a school book for $10 on eBay.

Environmental Science challenges me every day. Stupid college-level thinking questions. Well, it is advanced. But it's still fun.
My friends Kattie and Summer have so drama going on between them. It's too much. And I don't want to get involved. I've known them both since 7th grade. I love them. But they need to handle their own problems.

Mrs. Meyer is starting her after-school Orchestra class tomorrow. I hope Ms. Brown lets me go. I don't even want to ask her though. I might just go straight to Ms. Meyer so she can talk to Ms. Brown. I don't think they have a B-H relationship. I hope not.
I want to learn how to play the violin and bass. Soprano. Bass. Tee-hee.

I love Isaac. He made me smile today. I would do anything to see him happy all the time.

Band is still fun.

I need to work on Johann Sebastian Bach's Prelude if I want to ask Ms. Brown if April and I can do it for Techoir's Spring Concert.

Wednesday, October 1

Den wir haben

I don't even know what that means, but the whole beginning of the song has been stuck in my head for ever! It doesn't help that I just got done listening to five and six while taking a shower. Six sounds amazing on the CD. I love the little fast part.

I borrowed a Media pass to go interview a teacher for my story and I was supposed to have given it back by the end of they day. I forgot. Whoops.
She called me Editor-in-Chief again! OMG! I freaking love that title!
I'm the Editor-in-Chief, therefore, I should have a permanent pass, don't you think?

I'm having a U.S. History test tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll do fine since we are allowed to use a sheet of notes and past quizzes. I'm actually learning more with Ms. Frank gone.

I still haven't memorized all of MLK's speech. I have the first page pretty much done, I just need to finish the back. It's due this Friday, but I'll be going on a field trip so I hope he can let it go and let me do it on Monday. If I do manage to learn it by then.

Since I am a peer tutor 4th period, I took the liberty to go interview a teacher. She was really helpful but there were a lot of people coming in and out of her office so we were both easily distracted. I have to show my notes to Ms. Jesse tomorrow morning so I can interview her more if needed; turns out her last day is this Friday.

I finished a little before the period ended so I just went to ICP, the class room in which I help. As soon as I had put my stuff down I was asked for help to explain the work needed to be done. It wasn't that hard, but it just annoys me that people don't get ICP. It's so useless! They should be able to fly through the course!

Anyways, Music. Yes. Ms. told us the musical! Cinderella! I'm excited. I just want to be chorus though because I want to see all the action. And besides, let's face it, I'm not the greatest singer so yeah. I remember last year I did real bad. I don't even know how I still ended up being in Beauty and the Beast.
I'm still scared. I get criticized a lot so I would just rather not be in some one's mouth.
Since a couple of kids and I are stuck up in the music hall for another 15 minutes we are always doing something. Today, Ms. D. had left to drop Ms. H off at the airport. I found it funny that Ms. D had left a sign on the table that read "IA- staple papers" Which meant she wanted us to staple music. It was Patapan. The one we did my sophomore year. Yay! The note was just funny though.

Yay, lunch. F it.

Japanese. F it too. Sensei is inundating us with new vocabulary every day. Our quiz, not a test, will be of one hundred new vocabulary. Yeah! We can do Kanji too, but I haven't even been able to review my notes so I don't even know how well I'll do on it.

Then Env. Science. That class is always fun because we talk and do our work at the same time. The conversations are usually always off-the-wall and random. Or about people. Everyone in the class contribute their own opinion and random comments. I know I do.

After school. Yay. I got to hang out with Kaleem, Audrey and Johnny. Kandice was there too but she wasn't very talkative.
I don't know, but I definitely feel like a bitch this year. Especially when I talk about people. I've been called an asshole too, but that was just messing around. Well, mainly because I was gluing together people's Number 6. Angel's. I tried Johnny, but he was too quick.

Band was kind of fun. We set up to 40! Yay. We do need to practice though.
I love how people get creative and when they run out of chips, they find random objects to mark spots. I'm included.
Ehl-oh-ehl at Audrey's cough drop.