Friday, October 10

OMG it's Friday

I skipped yesterday's entry, mainly because my dad was in one of his usual let's-do-something moods. He's always like that, always wanting to do something, fix something, change something, clean something. It's kind of annoying, because he drags everyone along.
So yesterday, after he had picked us up from school, we had dinner and then did some homework. It was 8:30 at night and he decided to clean the house. I was so tired, but I can't argue because he'd get mad at me and privileges would get revoked.
I ended up dusting my room though, and now, I can actually breathe in there. It's not that it was dirty, but I never go in there unless it's time to sleep so I never move anything around but my book and glasses. So everything gathers dust.

I can't remember much of yesterday either. I do know the Technicians are performing at the zoo for Christmas at the Zoo. It will be awesome, I think. I can't wait.

And I fully understand Ms. H and her Spirit Week speech. I truly believe it.

Let's see, ummm, my U.S. History teacher, Ms. Frank, is still not here. Wow, those were a lot of commas. Anyway, if she doesn't show up on Monday, our sub will be back. And I hope our sub comes back because I learn more with her than with Frank.

Our Japanese test today was pretty difficult. I got a 9.8. Apies got a 9. I think we need more time learning the vocabulary she is giving us.

Ms. Brown wasn't here today, so we didn't have Techoir at all. Two students took advantage of this and still stayed after and talked. At least that's what I saw. And that's what I want it to be. I'm giving up. I don't know what to do. I wasted time by not telling him. Now he's making his move. I think I'm a fool.

Band is looking effing awesome though. I hope we do well tomorrow. I'm going to try and take lots of pictures for my scrapbook/facebook.

I love my friends. Thanks for keeping me going. I haven't cried today, yet. I'll try to be strong. But I feel depression a-comin'.

1 comment:

Angie Guinivere said...

I wish Mrs. Brown were here. I don't mind when Kaleem is trying to direct, but it pisses me off when Greg is up there trying to 'help.' Whatev. Sit down underclassman. You're not the prez.

[Sorry for the little rant, lol]

I heard that Mrs. Frank wasn't a very good teacher/ nice lady. Hm.

Erick, you're a great flagman. Haha, that's what I'm calling you now. You'll do great today in competition!
I love you!