Tuesday, November 4


I'm still not used to the "shorthand" used in texting and I'm still typing out you's and are's and all that fun stuff that can be easily abbreviated with two letters.
I just got 300 messages (sent and received) a month for $5. My dad called today though, and we are getting unlimited texting on Nov. 11th. Yay for unlimited texting. The main person I've been texting is Steven, for obvious reasons.

I won't go into my routine of blogging out my day and all the boring stuff that makes it up. Instead, I'll blog about what's stressing me out and life. Kind of.

First of all, Amber wasn't at school yesterday, therefore we, the color guard, were all worried she wasn't going to catch up with us. Today she showed up, with a cast. That's horrible! She's my partner for when there are three different groups going at different times during the songs. Jess, our instructor, told me that I now had a solo. A stupid solo if you ask me. Now the problem is who will she move to the other side to balance it all out. Don't worry if you don't know what I mean.
I don't know. I think it's the fact that we barely have people, and now this happens. I know she didn't go and did it on purpose, but it's just not fair.
Everything should be better from now on though, and I hope Ana and Kim keep doing it next year. I know I would.

Secondly, school work. Right now I am so overwhelmed with Journalism and irresponsible students who say they will write stories for the newspaper and they don't. Our deadline is November 10th and neither Ms. Jesse nor I have received any information. I'm doing a full check tomorrow. And I am striving to write my two stories by Thursday. That way I can fix them and Ms. Jesse can fix them. We're also adding a Sudoku I got from a book and a word search on Thanksgiving that I will work on.
Danny Perdue was also supposed to provide a book review on the new Eragon series book. Where is it? In his flash drive. Where's the damn flash drive? Who knows.

Plus, I have a lot of English work to do. I mean, it's really easy but stressful. For weeks we don't do nothing and then he drops this crapload of work to be due by the end of the week. What the eff? Three stupid drawings, vocabulary for extra credit (I'm doing that), and our own re-telling of someone selling their soul to the devil in return for something else. That is all due this Friday. I am a pretty busy student, if I do say so myself. And I believe myself.
Then U.S. History. It's not much, but it just adds up. And it's stupid work. I mean, I can probably get it done in one day, but it's too boring and stupid. So that is also stressful.

And also, trying to get Steven is hard, ehl-oh-ehl.

Senior year is so difficult!

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