Sunday, November 23

Nothing Much

There really wasn't anything major or important going on this weekend. Except for the Fall Play! I thought it was funny and awesome! We had some really good actors and funny sexual innuendos. I almost wish I would have tried out for something. Geez.

I kind of want a smallish role in Cinderella. I am happy with chorus though.

I may have a birthday party! My parents were talking about it and getting the place to reserve it ahead of time. I hope we have one! It will be our only real party here! Our 18th birthday! I just hope people don't show up with dildos and random gay stuff for me. I'm thinking of also inviting my friend Johnie, he could bring all his rich gays and buy me cool stuff! Yeah!
But yeah, a birthday party sounds great right now. And college doesn't seem that impossible either.

Somehow, church was real special to me today. Probably because the choir sounded good and we are doing a new pretty song.
Jose might be going to my church next week! Wooo! He's getting a new experience. I hope he wants to sing in our choir just for that day...

Yay for new bloggers! By the way, Summer, it popped! Ugh and Ewwwies!

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