Thursday, November 20

"He was big!"

That was my usual response to those who dared ask me why I was walking funny today. I received many different reactions garnished by funny looks. It was funny.
I didn't really want to explain the truth of my pain.

I woke up really early today just to send a morning text message to Jeffrey. That was at 6:11 a.m. I went back to bed as soon as I had pressed "Send" just because I was warm and cozy in my bed and really didn't want to get up. I eventually did though, -sigh-

I was left in charge of shutting down the computers in Journalism after period one today. This was because Ms. Jesse had to go to a Springboard workshop and she didn't want her other students to have access to her account. I am pretty sure she meant log off, but I shut them down anyway. She'll probably tell me to just log off tomorrow morning since she won't be there again.

Today we had silent reading in English! Yay! I was really getting into Angels & Demons by the time we had to leave. The awesomest part was this, though: Cute new boy sat right in front of me. As in the chair right after mine! The seat he had taken on Tuesday was taken today by a girl. So I told him to sit in front of me since the boy who sits there wasn't at school today. I want him nearby, so I can silently work my magic.

I actually did something fourth period today! That was stapling papers for the ICP students. I also tried to help two ENL students but it was worthless. They pretty much got it anyway.
I was also given chocolate by my friend Summer. It made me happy and warm. Tee-Hee.
Oooh~ Andres was trying to be funny today by standing over the door and putting his leg up so I wouldn't be able to go into the classroom. He failed though.

Musica! Yay! Ms. Brown said she could hear the three basses; Angel, Jose, and me. Greg said it was only me though. And I really never heard Angel sing. I heard Jose because he messed up. I just hope they can deal with this next year without Isaac or Peter.
Audrey looked really cute today. I don't know if it was her little necklace or if it was her make up, but she looked really cute.

Lunche! Yay! The whole table pretty much works on Sudokus while eating. It is really funny. It's almost like the intellectual kids are right there and everyone around us is just ghetto and immature and unimportant. That's pretty cool.

April-Honey wasn't here today due to emotional problems that she is facing at the moment. Therefore, I walked to Japanese alone. I tried to hurry but my pain slowed me down while trying to go up the stairs. It's so much easier to go down, really.
Sensei was pretty much speaking Japanese the whole period, which was awesome. We could all understand her! It was awesome! She told us we could probably write about our daily lives in Japanese. Awesome-ne?

Wee! SMOGEE! The poster board was due today. What do we have on the board? Just the title that I made yesterday. The kids pretty much expect me to do everything, which I am not going to. I told them it was their grade. I really can't blame one for having a really bad case of ADHD. But then again, I think everyone has that.

There was a staff meeting after school today so some of us Junior Scientists weren't able to go the library. We stayed in our teacher's room playing Uno. I was texting Edric while playing too. It was okay.

I froze my ass off for 20 minutes waiting for my mom to pick us up. It's getting so cold, and it started snowing a little bit too.

We came home and ate then headed back to school again for the College Fair for hispanics. They always do raffles to encourage public attendance. We won two things: a mug with candies and an IUPUI t-shirt. Yay!

College doesn't seem so impossible now. I just really need to start looking for them scholarships.

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