Thursday, November 13

Band Season Is Over

It's sad but true. Everyday I would look forward to staying at school until six. Ten during home games too. No I have to come home at around four. I will actually have time to do homework and finish small projects I've been meaning to for ages!

Bands of America marked the end of Marching Band season being over last night. But it also opened Grand Nationals were bands from all across America compete here in Indy. Awesome! But it also says that IPS is not good enough for competition. I wonder if "All-City" could do it? If the directors got together and chose the best music! With just Tech's Color Guard, of course! That'd be cool.

What sucked about last night was the rain and the coldness put together. It didn't work that I only had a muscle shirt to "cover" me from the cold. I pretty much think everyone was cold and wet. And pissed because of the truck driving away with the percussion.
Some instruments broke before the show too.

Being in there was awesome, but I was a little scared of the echo at first. We were fine though. And the band and color guard managed to stay together throughout the entire show.

It was great though, performing in there. I'm a strong believer in us, and I still can't see why we didn't even get second place. I guess because we don't strive to be mediocre/ghetto.

Last night was our last night with Jess. She's awesome. And I freaking love her. I hope she does great stuff in life and that she keep in touch with us. She made special little scrapbooks for guard members. They were nice.

Today was All City Choir rehearsal. I wish people were more cooperative and less rude just so we could all get along and get stuff done faster. Tenors don't need to shout either. People just need to stop being ghetto. It's not necessary and it's just ugly.

Oooh~ Today a high school from Alabama came and used the parking lot to practice for their performance tomorrow for Grand Nationals. Their show had a Magic theme to it and the guard had a girl disappear at the end of the show. It was awesome! I was clapping! And then they showed me the girl; turns out she was hidden "in" a table!!! Yeah! I hope they win. They were awesome. And one of their drummer boys was cute too ^^.

Right now I am being overwhelmed by work. Mainly Journalism, and Yearbook.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man I wish I didn't have play. I would've loved to see that. The tenors suck I hate them not ours just the ones you were talking about. I just imagined all the band directors getting in a fight like a fist fight over all city doing Grand Nationals lol. That would be cool if someone would compete.