Tuesday, September 9

Oh em gee - Hectic Days

That's also my status on Facebook.

I meant to add an entry yesterday but I got involved in something else so I didn't do it.
Pretty much I was called a heartbreaker by a girl who thought I liked her. She is nice and she also seems smart, but she did kind of hurt my feelings when she said that; mainly because it really wasn't the first time I've been called that.
I don't think highly of myself so when she started preaching about my sexyness and handsomeness I pretty much turned red. Even though you couldn't have possibly seen it.

The only funny things I remember from yesterday are me taking pictures of April being cute and Dixie writing random bullshit on her Environmental Science questionaire.

Today was pretty hectic, I thought. After school mainly. But I'll get to that in a second.
Mentoring is quite okay. I don't have problems with my freshmen; I pretty much only have one so it's fine. He wants to join the school soccer team and I promised him I would talk to Mr. Arnold about it. Whoops. I forgot.
Journalism was filled with journalistic writing and me finishing up my stories. They seem pretty decent and they have a good flow. Not too bad.
We took a test today in U.S. History. I think I did pretty good. Some of the questions were repeated throughout the test though, so there really isn't much to worry about. Benje fell asleep.
In English we are talking about Puritans and Revolutionaries and Transcendentalists. Pretty much God-crazy people back in the 17-18 hundreds.
Peer tutoriness. I need to translate some worksheets for the two students I help. How can they take a test when they can't read the stuff in English? I don't remember what I used to do back in 6th grade.
Music was meh. I don't understand why we are doing a College-fight-song-medley. Whatever. "The milk is sqwishin' me!"
Lunch was usual. Fun stuff.
Japanese is pretty okay too. I want to learn new stuff though. Shoo.
Environmental Science. Yay. Didn't do anything. We went over the questions. Test on Friday.

After school! Wanted in three places. Well, maybe two, not sure Techoir wanted me that much!
But Key Club and The Cannon did. Two stories due today and a list of clubs. Gosh.
Then band. I didn't even get to change. Which was cool.
I'm going to start wearing hoodies to practice. Effing sun.

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