Monday, December 1


Throughout the day I kept having these awesome ideas of what to write on today's post. Where did they go? Who knows?

One of the things I was going to talk about was the snow.
It pretty much happened while we were having a Technician show for a very appreciative crowd. We had entered the church and there was no snow outside. Suddenly we just opened the door and it was just beautiful. For some reason it really got to me. I don't know if it was because it was my last Winter season with the Technicians or if it was something else. At this moment I truly don't know.

I rode with Angie. Same spot: back/trunk. With Joey! ^^ I loves her.

I got to third period late, but oh well. The teacher didn't even notice. I guess my Technician outfit give me special unknown privileges. I like wearing my schowchoir outfit because I get looks that say "I can't talk to you because you are too important" or "Let me keep walking because you are better than me." Of course that's not the feeling I want to convey but it's not bad; it makes people move out of my way.

Someone asked me if I worked at Colonel's Cupboard. That was because I had taken my vest off and was 0nly wearing my bow tie. Whatev.

I think someone stole my chair from my Peer Tutor class. Oh well. I go around helping anyway so no chance to sit down.

Not much really. Or, little time right now (It's 10:20 in the pee ehms!)

I gots my haircut. I don't really like it, but I'll see what I do with it tomorrow morning. The guy who did it was cute though, so no complaints there!

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