Sunday, December 21

I'm a Sinner!

I stole an $8 bracelet from Wal-Mart ehl-oh-ehl. It was exciting. It's cool-looking too, teehee. And OMG! I swear it was like gay night at Wal-Mart because I saw some really fruity ones out there! There was this gorgeous white guy with a nice tan and green eyes. I followed him around a bit then stopped, teehee. He was cute. I was going to buy more scrapbooking pages but forgot about it.

I went to church and it was okay. Jose texted me and told me that he was coming to church with us next week. For sure. At least that's what he said.

Today was super cold. And we still went out and shopped. It sucked getting out of the car every time! The wind was just too much! But oh well, we got over it and bought some household necessities.

I decay what else to talk about so I'm going to finish off by saying that I finally wrote the letter to my teacher in Mexico. I hope the Spanish is not too bad but then again my mom read it and said it was fine. I'm sending along a picture of me in my Technician outfit. I explained why I was wearing such garment as well. I hope she's proud of me!

1 comment:

Angie Guinivere said...

I'm disappointed in you.
I'm sure you can figure out why.