Thursday, December 18

Last Day of School

Today is the last day of school! For this semester, at least! I still have one more final to take though, but oh well.

Oooh! I got the highest score in my English final! Actually, three different Mexicans got the highest scores in all three classes. My teacher said that it was "a big day for Mexico."

Tuesday night was the Winter Wonderland concert. It was pretty awesome, if you take Gospel Choir out. s2yt52r4e3fdstfewnhtnhwbqgvjhwebvggtfhvyfikmhubytvf huizer <----- Tesia "typed" that. It's a code for something, or so I think. I think it says something about Angelina Huizer. Hmmm, a possible murder.

Last night we had a show at the mall! The Artsgarden, to be exact. We didn't really have an audience. Isaac and April got the pins. Some of us stayed after the show to go around and have fun.

"Sarcasm!" Ms. Jesse sang just now. It was chotto kawaii! ^.^v Angie, not Angelina (same person anyway!), put the nose in my Japanese peace-sign face. Tesia, Angie, and I really think that this entry is uber ADfuckingD. Right?

Angie doesn't say effing, though, because she doesn't believe in cursing in blogs -sigh- Silly children these days.

Oooh! The Cannon is out! It's awesome-looking! And it tastes pretty good too!

People fighting are funny. Vampire-wannabes. Haha. Punch!

DDR is effing awesome too! Some Technicians stayed after the show.

Angie just told me that she saw a license plate that said DDR. And she told me she had forgotten to tell me. What a friend.
Ouch. She just punched me and told me "Imma cut-choo"

People are laughing and talking about me. In front of me. People like Tesia C. West Rodriguez Dominguez Salamanca Solano Zapata de la Villa Cruz. Heffa. She's silly.

Oooh~ I've been accepted to IUB! I also got my UofI admission letter! I don't remember if I mentioned this or not, but reinstating it wouldn't hurt.

Last night, after school, we had a pizza party for the newspaper/yearbook. It was okay, I guess.

"To be continued..."

1 comment:

Angie Guinivere said...

Oh Erick, what can I do about you?

Piranahs and homoseuals linger in anticipation through Italy.