Friday, December 5


I need a new layout for my blog.

Right now I am stuck doing the homework I've been putting off since the beginning of the semester. Mainly in my English class. Now it is all due Monday. I really need to hurry.

Oh. Last night I had worked on two book reports also for my English class. I got to school today and looked for them. Nowhere to be found! I came home and they were neatly folded underneath a book. It really pissed me off because I even wrote super small to fit all I had to say about the book. Grrr. I told my teacher about forgetting my papers and he said I was trustworthy and reliable so he let me have it my way and turn them in Monday. That will probably give me time to re-read A Lesson Before Dying and writing a book report on that as well for extra credit.

It's been done. I will be auctioned off for a fundraiser. I hope someone buys me so I don't look like a lame loser that no one wants to be with. The other two boys participating have expressed their concern about same-sex bidders. I really wouldn't mind, unless . . . yeah.
At first I wasn't going to do it but Ms. Jesse said I should. I hope I do get some money, ehl-oh-ehl. Actually, I hope Huggins lets us do this. Because it's an awesome idea and a great fundraiser. If we have more sexy people it would be so much better.

Oooh! Today during fourth period I got to somehow flirt around. My friend Summer wasn't there so Josh went and did me company and showed me his new electronic device. It's some iTouch thing. Really cool though. We played little games and I beat him on one. I think it was something to do with memory. And then! Ooohness! Andres came up behind me and was looking over me. You know what I mean? Like me sitting down and he leaning over/behind me with his head like right on top of mine. I felt special, ehl-oh-ehl. I really don't think he's gay at all, but it'd be nice.

Music was okay. Somehow Ms. H's speech on Improper Moments To Cry seemed to have been directed at me. She even fixated a look on me while she said to not cry. She stared for like an entire minute! Even people noticed and they started laughing. Some were asking me not to cry right there. I didn't.

I had chicken nuggets today for lunch.

Japanese was cool. We had a cute substitute in there. He was young so that helped. I didn't want to bother him so I didn't even ask him his name. We did watch a cool movie though. Not Grave of the Fireflies because that would have been embarrassing and awful. For some of us. Or most of us.

SMOGEE. Since we are done teaching 7th graders we are going back to book work. I brought mine hope so I could hopefully finish it (ha!) during the weekend. Along with all my English and Journalism work due!
Turns out we also have a final for that class. It's not necessary. But Environmental Science is fun and very interesting.

Techoir after school! I had some free time and tried to play J.S.Bach's Prelude with April doing the flute solo but it turns out I was playing something different. I've been told to play what I know and that it should still be fine. I hope so.

Rehearsal was kind of fun. Silly jokes and silly people are awesome.

Angel pays a lot of attention to body odor, I think. Or maybe to the really bad ones. I should start bathing in cologne from now on, hehe.

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