Thursday, December 4

You of I

I missed a call from the University of Indianapolis. I excitedly listened to the voicemail they kindly left behind. Guess what? I GOT ACCEPTED! EFFING ACCEPTED INTO U OF I!
Okay. But yeah, I got accepted. And on top of that, I obtained three scholarships (3!!!). The lady in the voicemail told me they would be sending out my letter of acceptance in about seven days. I was so excited! I got this at the end of the day so that pretty much made my day and made me happy for the Yearbook meeting. I was congratulated by the rest of the Yearbook staff and my teacher. They are the only ones who know, and know you too. Keep this a secret: I want to announce it with my letter in my hand!

Yearbook meetings are going pretty well. Much better then Newspaper ones. I think we need all reporters to show up not just the editors because the editors only work on their stories, at least I do. I should say something about it.

I missed almost the entire school day because of the SMOGEE trip. I skipped out on one presentation and only did one. The students were being crazy and funny so I started doing the same, in a good way. Making serious faces at them and then laughing and saying I was only jay kaying. They loved me and paid attention. It was productive, kind of.
Sucky lunches. Grrr. Jail leftovers.

Got to school back in time to take a dunk haha. Really though!

I also have two book reports that were due yesterday. I think. Or the day before. The point is I missed it because I was doing a show. I finally got the papers and did them for homework. I gave up on one of them though, but it's fine. Hopefully I can re-read the book and finish it. It's only 256 pages.

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