Thursday, August 28

tomorrow - scouting

Today I was supposed to interview Mrs. Bogard about the ATM/Book shortage. I got to school and asked Ms. Jesse about it since Dr. White was visiting Tech to talk to students. She called Mrs. Bogard and she rescheduled the interview for tomorrow morning. I'll be more prepared I think.
I should also interview Mr. Davidson about him running the "bank".

I actually thought Dr. White's presentation was pretty good. Somewhat, actually. I liked the fact that he showed 2 Million Minutes. That is such a great movie that motivated me to more than average.

I think Ms. H realized today that not all basses know their vocals for some songs. I have an excuse: I never learned them. Neither "Bomp" nor "We Go"
We are doing sections on Monday I think. I know Bomp a little now. Thanks to Ms. D!
Steven bit me today on my shoulder. I thought that was weird. And it hurt too! He also poked me after I told him so.

Sensei gave us the great news that the Japanese class will be able to do some calligraphy. It's pretty cool. She's just worried she might now have enough ink; she only brought one bottle from Beijing. She also went on to talk about poor countries and how most students should take yearly field trips there so they can value their lives and opportunities.

Band is getting awesomer! We are all lifting Kimberly! I am so excited, but we really need to work on our stuff if we are doing a show this coming Friday.

I'm going camping this weekend, more like hiking actually. I don't really remember exactly where. I don't know what to expect with four college students and four current Boy Scouts. It's our first hike too! I could probably put this in my Senior Scrapbook.

The girls barbershop today was awesome; I think.

Tomorrow there are three birthdays to celebrate: Kattie Wickersham, Steven Scott, and Donnell Duncan. I think they are all turning 18. That is awesome!

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