Wednesday, August 27

lame - pretty

Today was not the day for many at Tech High School.

Today Mr. Dinkens started handing out money for questions being answered. It's a good motivator but not really.

New officers in Techoir too. Kaleem and Tesia are both Co-Presidents. Most of us don't agree with this but unfortunately we have to live with it. I was voted Secretary! I am really excited. Taking attendance should be easy though. Audrey is the treasurer! She deserved something better. I didn't really wanted to be anything but I was voted it. I seem to be popular too. That's kind of nice.

OMG! SMOGEE! Ms. Solchik had told us to read chapter 12 today but she had to leave to get something fixed on her computer or whatever so we all just listened to Monique read a dirty book. It is ghetto! It was funny though. It was our secret Book Club. We might even start a real one actually!

Oh, during lunch, Kattie had said something funny and Summer was drinking juice so as soon as she heard it she started choking and the juice started coming out of her nose. It was funny, but I felt bad for her because there was no way we could've helped. We just sat there and watched.

Technicians was meh. But I'm in the first row! Audrey and I are ones for We Go Together. Awesome!

Oh em gee! Marching band is coolio. I just wish we can start learning more stuff sooner. I am also supposed to lift Kimberly during the first eight counts of the first song which is pretty cool if we both do it correctly. We had to do it three times because the first time we missed coming in and the second time I grabbed her boob instead of her waist. As soon as I felt that I let go and put her down. I'm just not used to that!
Pretty funny though. Mr. Baldwin said my brother and I needed to get on steroids and all the girls to start being bulimic. Sounds fair to me!

April's silly self didn't go to school so I didn't take pictures of friends; I refuse to start without April.

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