Wednesday, October 8

Half yet long.

I'm talking about my day.

Today's PBA really did go by fast. Unfortunately, it was still raining. It wasn't so bad though.

I took a picture of Titi, James and Tesia for the cover of the newspaper. I'm sure it's going to look great. I know Ms. Jesse was excited about it. I still have to make phone calls tomorrow morning. I'm kind of upset at myself because it's taking me so long to write a story.

Today was Liz's 16th birthday! She's growing up! She's so cute too. Happy B-Day!

I put in new contacts today. And I didn't feel anything! I think it really was the contacts. Now I just have to change the case as well.

After school, my dad picked my brother and me up. We came home and my brother stayed to do homework. I went with him downtown, Carmel, and New Pal. It was long! And I fell asleep in the car too. I did listen to Kelly though; Z99.5 My dad wants to start his own landscaping/mowing business. Those machines range from 8-12 thousand dollars though. Yeah. I don't want him to. What if we have to leave?

So we get home, at around 4:30-ish. And there's a car parked on the wrong side of the street, you know what I mean? Facing the traffic instead of facing the way the traffic is going?
Well, anyway, my dad sees this car and he parks. But he parked carefully enough so that the back of our car was almost touching the back of the other car. There were people in the car too. And they got mad. But first of all, they are using up our parking space, and second of all, they were parked illegally. So I don't want to hear about it. They were buying hallucinogens too. So hey!

I've been talking to Joey a lot. She's such a nice person. I want to her to be happy.
I'm like that with most people. Especially with Isaac, if I see Isaac sad, or upset it gets to me. And I'm with him. I don't know. I guess I just love him a lot, and I always want to see him happy.

I get jealous when Audrey doesn't talk to me. Sad when April's not there. Ignored when Angie is not being happy. So many feelings.

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