Sunday, January 2

The Second!

First Sunday of the year! And I failed to go to church. Well not really. The choir decided to take a break so I did too. Spent the day with my family (when do I not?). Went out and ordered a morral from a lady who is going to Mexico soon. It's a very lightweight book bag. I'm hoping for something toned-down, don't really want to go around turning heads for the wrong reasons. Because I do love to turn heads.

Last night I really couldn't sleep, which is why I posted in the morning. What did I do? I turned my lamp on and doodled. And since it was already Sunday I counted those doodles for Sunday :) They were pretty decent too. I just want to get in the habit of actually being able to fill up a page with wonderfulness. I get scared though. Scared that it might be "messed up" or something like that. I'm pretty sure somebody else would be fine with just scribbling away, but I find blank pages to be somehow sacred. Either do it right, or not at all. Makes sense, no?

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