Friday, August 13

Child Prodigy

Wouldn't you have loved to be known, at an early age, for something great! Like those kids on AGT and BGT who sing their little hearts out and earn the judges and audience's respect. A little artist just came up! His name is Kieron Williamson! He paints from photographs which I think is great, and that kind of answers my questions: is it illegal if you draw/paint from a copyrighted image. My safest bet is to think that the picture might have been taken by his immediate family so not much suing going on there. As for now I think I'll just stick to sketching from copyrighted images. They won't be complete drawings and will most likely be vague in some areas. Pretty safe, I believe.

Reading back on this entry, this is more about me than about the child prodigy. Heh.

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