Monday, December 15

"Thug Life, kgh kgh"

I can't really remember what I did on Friday!

I know for a fact that Audrey and Greg went to my house to drop off a Venture Crew application. Since that was their first time being in my house I gave them a tour. Audrey liked my house! She thought my room was clean! It really wasn't though. But, I guess. Ehl-oh-ehl.

I also went to Audrey's house for movies and hot chocolate! We ended up watching Joseph! It was so fun. Shatoyia showed up in the middle of the 'event' as well. Overall it was a really great time and I really wish we could gather more often to do these kinds of events.

Emily Green drove us home. I wished her and I would be more close. She's really cool, but I guess we have to hang out more to get to know each other.

Saturday was really boring. We spent the day driving my mom around. Some people went to the mall after the Technician show. I was kind of upset when I found that out, because I wasn't invited. Someone had told my brother but he never told me anything. And it was because we had to drive my mom around. Oh well. Maybe some other time all the Technicians could go to the mall together and spend the time at Gameworks, or something. I think I just really want to go play DDR or something. Or something.

My mom also ended up making fried fish and tilapia so the entire house stank for the entire weekend! It's Monday morning and my coat still stinks! I went out of the classroom with body spray and engulfed myself in too much of the good stuff. Now I think I smell like a merman, haha.

Saturday I was also asked go to and help serve for Madrigal. I went and loved it! It was awesome and fun! I might do it tonight as well. It was tiring, standing up all night running around serving people and stuff. Oh well, the show was really awesome so I enjoyed it.

We took Jose home. I like Jose, he's a really awesome dude. I think.

Oooh! I also got the Show Pin for Saturday morning's show! Yay! Second time!

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