Tuesday, November 11

Business Cards

They are done! I figured out a way to make them! It wasn't that hard but the first ones were really crappy because the ink was a bit rusty, and I definitely had to change the black one. Overall, I take it more as a learning experience. My dad was really happy about them though, and he's going to start handing them out tomorrow to rich people.

I had a test today in U.S. History. I think I did pretty well, but I don't know how well. I know I'll have at least a B.
Oh and apparently Ms. Frank and one of her students, Donnell Effing Duncan, will appear in Tyra Bank's Show! For what? He was voted best intern for Obama's campaign. Eff him. Actually, I'm just jealous.

Today I was supposed to have my English book with me but I didn't, but since the teacher knows I'm a great student, he let me borrow his. I took pictures of the answers too ^^v

Today I flirted around with a boy in ICP today. He's a cute sophomore. Kind of a smart-ass, but still cool. I love him

Today was also Kimmy's first day in Technicians! She did great I think. ^^
Ms. H made sure to tell me not to have a great day today because of yesterday's funny incident. She loved me! ^^

We watched Japanese Anime today! We went pretty far into the movie too! Something that is really rare in that class. Then I had to leave T.T For Shortridge. Most of the kids in there are ADD/ADHD! I swear! They are so annoying and inappropriate!

Band sucked a little because it was freezing cold outside. After a while though, my hands went numb and I didn't feel them anymore. I was afraid I was going to get frostbite or something though. It was that bad! And cold, wet poles don't help much either.
We did great though. I think we are getting 1st place! I hope so!

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