Sunday, May 15

Inspiring inspiration

Every night so far I have been spending late nights reading and updating myself on blogs. I managed to update on blogger, and tumblr in one day and catching up on entries from February until now. That's a lot of reading but then again many of the sites I follow I do more because of inspiration.

I love collecting pictures to use as inspiration on future projects. I have too many now though and it's hard to go through all of them. I thought about one day organizing them by color but I just rather have them all together so I can look through them and see what I like.

My plans right now are to look for more interior design related blogs, especially ones that present computerized renderings of interiors. I want to see how intricate people can get when selling out their designs utilizing SketchUp, AutoCAD, Rhino, and Revit.

I don't think I'll have a demanding job this summer, if I have one at all, so I'll have a lot of free time for all that. As well as to try and achieve my summer goals! :)

Friday, May 6

Summer Goals

I had mentioned this to one of my friends before but I actually want to accomplish a couple of things this summer.
  • Learn AutoDesk’s Revit software
  • Create more 3D renderings with AutoCAD
  • Get a better grasp of Google’s SketchUp
  • Start sketching; eventually leading up to a good sketch a day
  • Create more 2D renderings with coloring pencils
  • Scan all artwork
  • Better my website
  • Get an internship  (?)
The last one is questionable simply because I should’ve already applied to firms but I didn’t. My interior design professor told me I should look for an internship so I can start adding to my résumé and portfolio.
These are all mainly to build on my skills and better myself for these coming years. I don’t think I did as well as I would’ve liked this semester. Hopefully I’ll be able to carry through with most of these!